Saturday, February 1, 2020

Appearance Vs. The Heart

"Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

Man looking on the outward appearance seems to be given as a negative thing, as compared to God looking at the heart.  That suggests to me that it's a difference of criteria, not simply a contrast of ability between what we can see (our inability) and what God can see.

 It's what we are looking for, not our inability to see what God can see.

Obviously we can't see the heart as God can.   But the criteria can be different how man chooses and God chooses.. 

Man's guide lines (such as someone's physical features--as in the case of Saul) are not God's guide lines (such as someone who understands the faithfulness of God--as in the case of David, seen in his confident actions as a shepherd or taking on Goliath). 

God gives guidelines in what to require for certain roles.

Man may determine adequacy by physical attributes and abilities, but these are not what God seeks.

God gives qualities for appointing an overseer that do not involve physical features, but things we can still see related to conduct and character, such as being patient, not violent, husband of one wife, able to teach, sound theology, etc.

Man looking on the outward appearance seems to be given as a negative thing, as compared to God looking at the heart.  That suggests to me that it's a difference of criteria, not simply a contrast of ability between what we can see and what God can see.  It's what we should be looking for, not our inability to see what God does.

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