Saturday, October 17, 2020

Mark of the Beast's Eternal Consequence

There are a number of speculations about what this “Mark” may be which will be implemented during the time that most (futurists) identify as the “Great Tribulation.” 


Probably most futurists—those who believe that most of the book of Revelation is yet future—anticipate the Mark will be possible because of modern technology.  


I hear many Christians seemingly fearful that they may take the Mark unknowingly.  They seem to think they could lose their salvation if the Mark is involved with an implanted chip or something in a vaccine.   

Whatever this Mark will be, I don’t see how it could work that way.  Whatever it is, or however it works the most troubling part of it all is the consequence associated with having it. The consequences associated with it is what I find to be the most disturbing.

 "He causes all… to receive a  mark  on their right hand or on their foreheads,  and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the  mark… And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the  mark of his name." 

(Revelation 13.16-17; 14.11 NKJV)


Revelation reveals that to have the Mark seals one’s eternal fate.  I have heard that Dr. John McArthur takes the view that one can still be saved after they take the Mark. (I’ve read this by others but haven’t heard him say it.)  He has received a lot of criticism for that claim, and rightfully so, according to Revelation 14.   

Whatever one may think the Mark may be or how one thinks it works, there’s something about it that if you have it on your forehead or right hand, your eternal fate is sealed.  


A friend suggests the number 666 can be used by those who are wise enough (computer software programming savvy?) to generate an encryption key to decipher the code to hack /break the Beast’s system, so they can buy and sell without coming under the eternal condemnation of having the Mark—ok, fine, but why does having the Mark seal one’s fate?

I can only conclude that whatever the Mark is, and however it actually works, it must involve a state of mind or conscience that has become so hardened to the truth of God’s way of salvation, which is through faith alone in Christ as Savior from sin, that they have reached a point of no return:  those with the Mark will be those kind of people.  

I do think there will be those who will not take the Mark who are not believers in Christ, just because it doesn’t get implemented worldwide or for other various reasons.  I believe there will be many who were not believers in Christ who do not take the Mark, who will become believers in Christ after the great tribulation and after the rapture of the church, and some of these will be Jews who come to Christ in faith at His coming.  


I think that to take the Mark of the Beast involves a state of mind or conscience that has become so hardened to the truth of God’s way of salvation, which is through faith alone in Christ as Savior from sin, that they have reached a point of no return in their consciences: those with the Mark will be those kind of people who will suffer the consequence of eternal torment from God.  Taking the Mark will be like reaching a point of no return.


  1. I agree that those who take the Mark will be of their own free will. How about minors or dependents?

  2. I suppose if they're old enough to understand and take the mark, then they are accountable.
