Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Time of the 2 witnesses in Revelation 11

The Two Witnesses are said to prophesy 1260 days in Revelation 11.3, and their death would appear to be after the "second woe," which would be the 6th trumpet (5.13; 9.12; 11.14).  

How does chapter 10 fit in between the 2nd woe (trumpet 6) and the revelation about the 2 witnesses?

It seems like Chapter 10 is just a parenthesis about the "mystery of God" being finished with the 7th trumpet, 10.7, and about the "little book" that contains prophecy, vs 11.  

After the second woe has been revealed, it is at that point a flashback takes place concerning the 2 witnesses, whose role is revealed, and then their death is back to the time left off.  

Revelation 11.2 speaks of the 42 months that Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles, then vs. 3 says the 2 witnesses will prophesy 1260 days.  I guess my thinking is that during that time, there will be a witness in Jerusalem, a thorn in the side--so to speak--of those who occupy the city and the "Beast."  The 1260 days are the same length of time given in Rev 12.6 for the "woman" being protected in the wilderness, and I would think most would see that as the second half of the "Week" (the great tribulation)--just like the 42 months in 11.2 is the second half.  

It has been can the 2 witnesses lie dead in the street for 3 1/2 days after the end of the gentiles' trampling underfoot the city--if the 1260 days of the 2 witnesses are the same time as the 42 months of gentiles' occupation of Jerusalem?  Good question. Maybe the 42 months and 1260-days-references are to identify the particular period involved, but maybe the events associated with them aren't exactly 1260 days. Like Maybe the witnesses go at it for 1256 1/2 days, are killed, and 3 1/2 days later, they rise from the dead, followed by a great earthquake that kills 7000 which contributes to the end of the gentiles' dominance of the city.

Other than the flashback idea after the second woe, the use of 42 months and 1260 days for what appears as the second half of the Week in all the other references is primarily why I would tend to place the 1260 days of the 2 witnesses at the same time. 

Even though life on earth will be difficult for those who take the Mark because of the trumpets, it doesn't cause them to repent (9.21)--though we do see a positive response from the earthquake in 11.13, and it doesn't keep them from eventually assembling for war, so maybe they can rejoice and send gifts over the death of the 2 witnesses.  Maybe there is a respite from destruction after the 6th trumpet is complete.  I still wonder if there will be some normalcy for those who follow the beast even near to the end.  I remember John Walvoord believed that there would be a degree of normalcy for those who follow the beast. Walvoord also believed, at least at one time, that Revelation chapters 6 through 19 is a concentrated prophecy of the last 3 1/2 years.  

Concerning normalcy for those who follow the beast, I think we do see this in Babylon the Great--until it is destroyed (I don't know when that will be--I know some believe that happens in 2 stages because of Rev 16.19).  

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