Sunday, February 7, 2021

Eye for an Eye

This sets a limit on revenge or executing justice.  It doesn't mean an individual should always get equal revenge on every evil committed against him.  Jesus said to "turn the other cheek."  I don't believe this means justice should never be sought.  It depends on the evil that is committed, and the threat of the one who did the evil to others in society.  "Eye for an Eye" set a limit: you are not to take two eyes for one eye. 

Government must operate differently than individuals. Government has a responsibility to pursue justice, but it depends on the evil that is committed.  Government has a divine right to shed the blood of the one who has shed blood, but it depends on the circumstances.  But it is an issue of justice.  

An individual can turn the other cheek, but government may have to pursue justice.  If government does not pursue justice for its citizens, then there will be a threat to a safe, secure, and prosperous life--this is the problem for many countries that have corrupt governments.  How we respond as individuals to the evil done to us impacts others and our own hearts as well.

"Turn the other cheek," I believe, has as its aim to be non-threatening to others who may have done us evil, for it can open the way for them to come to you for help, especially concerning spiritual things--because you are non-threatening to them, not someone who will take advantage of them.  But it depends on the evil done, because some evil must be brought to justice, for the safety of the victim and society.

We don't have to always execute the letter of the law, but the "eye for an eye" set a limit.

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