Monday, September 9, 2024

The tension for the Christian futurist concerning Israel


There can be a real tension for the Christian who is a futurist, when it comes to eschatology (last things), and the situation with Israel. The tension is in knowing that salvation is through believing in Jesus as the Christ (Son of God) and Savior from sin and wanting to be a friend of Israel, wanting what is right and just for them as a people and nation, to be able to dwell safely in the land that was once theirs, before their conflict and dispersion into the world during the time of the Roman Empire. The tension is in wanting what seems right for them as a nation, to dwell safely in that land which seems by some to be illegitimate and contrary to the belief about who Jesus is, and that He is the only way of salvation. Can't a futurist Christian--who believes in a future salvation of Israel as a people and nation according to numerous Old Testament prophecies and the book of Romans chapter 11 (“All Israel will be saved”)--want what is right for the nation with respect to the land of Israel and still be concerned about them evangelistically? It is true, from a futurist perspective, and from those Jews who may be anti-Zionists (they see the present state of Israel as illegitimate) that Israel will not be restored back into the Land according to the prophets until the coming of Messiah (that Jesus' “Second Coming” for Christian futurists). The futurist must believe that Israel is saved in the *same manner as the gentile--through faith in Jesus as the Christ and Savior from sin, and yet, futurists usually have a strong desire for justice for the Jewish people, to have a right to dwell in that land which was clearly theirs historically. Can't a futurist Christian be for both the evangelism of the Jew and their right to exist in the land? It's like the Christian who is concerned for both evangelism and the maintenance of social moral values--can't both be pursued? Can't one speak both the gospel and against abortion and other moral issues at the same time? Aren't we to be salt and light in the world? We live in a country that allows us to have freedom of speech and elect or run for political office. Can't we as believers in Christ do more than one thing? Can we seek to do that what is right in society and evangelize?

* But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we [Jews] shall be saved in the same manner as they [Gentiles]." Acts 15:11

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