Monday, August 5, 2024

I believe in a future “salvation” of national Israel...

 in the land according to the new covenant in the Millennial Kingdom [MK]. That is what I believe as I understand the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel as a united people (Israel and Judah) in the land under the terms of the new covenant.

Where I differ with classical dispensationalists is that I see 4 dispensations, according to the people of God for his purposes, to show forth His holiness and salvation. 

The present people for God’s purposes is the gentile-Jew assembly (called the "Church"), and the future people for his purposes is national Israel in the MK. After the MK, there is only one people of God, being believers from all past history, existing in the new creation. But during the MK, God will recognize nations, and some will be in a special relationship to him similar to Israel, but I believe they will be the head of the nations, restored in the land according to the new covenant. 

My other differences from classic dispensationalists are that I believe in the “already not yet” view of the kingdom--as Eldon Ladd held, and I’m a post-trib rapturist-- probably like Robert Gundry or Douglas Moo).

Isaiah 19:24-25: “In that day Israel will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria—a blessing in the midst of the land, whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, “Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance.”

Yet though I believe God has had these distinctive peoples for his purposes in time (the dispensations), salvation has always been by faith alone (and I believe that was and is in the Christ, as Savior).

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