Some Pretribulational rapturists believe Jesus spoke of the rapture of the church when he said "One is taken and one is left."
Dave Hunt (Pretrib) in a debate with Marv Rosenthal (Prewrath) made reference to the
seemingly contradictory statements of Jesus in the Olivet Discourse that his disciples must watch lest
caught off guard concerning his coming, and yet one will know he is near by the
signs: how can Christ's coming be both a surprise and yet can be known as near by the signs?
If those
caught not watching are even carnal believers, wouldn't they still know the time is near with regard to world
Hunt's plea is to the pattern of Old Testament prophecies in which both comings of Christ, the first and second comings, were revealed together yet separated by time. So, likewise, the
rapture and second coming are revealed together and separated by time in the prophecies of the Olivet Discourse.
If in the same context, reference is made to signs and events that
reveal the coming is near, then the second coming is in view, but if reference
is made to not knowing the time, and the warning is given to be not caught unprepared, then the rapture
is in view, even though it is 7 years prior to the second coming.
This seems like a good argument to give for the view that a pretribulational rapture is in the Olivet Discourse. It is like the Old Testament prophecies of the first and second comings of Christ that are not separated in revelation but in time. In this way, Jesus is not contradictory but
speaks of 2 different future comings.
However, the context of the Olivet discourse is about the sign of the coming of Christ. Jesus speaks of the great tribulation, and he says that after the tribulation, there will be signs. Following those signs will be His coming. He informs his disciples that when they see all these things his coming is near.
Jesus says how it will be when he comes. It will be like the days of Noah in which life will still have some normalcy involving marriage and people working. In that same context, he speaks of two working in which one will be taken and one left. The context is about the coming of Christ after the tribulation. There is no justification to think he is speaking of an event that precedes the 70th Week of Daniel.
His coming after the tribulation will still take people by surprise, particularly those who follow the beast. Prophecies do often contain a near and far event, but Jesus was speaking of the sign of his coming which comes after the tribulation. A near prophecy of a pretrib rapture in the context of the time that is after the tribulation would be confusing. The "one taken and one left" is in the context of the second coming after the tribulation.
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